Raftrey College Advising






2225 E Bayshore Road #236

Palo Alto, CA 94303


Passion Beats Passivity

  • Coaches will not magically find you, you must hustle to find them and impress them.
  • Finding a college team is not for the shy. You must be able to pick up the phone and call a coach. You also must be able to ask him whether you are his top recruit.

Good Grades Beat Bad Grades

  • Coaches want NCAA eligible players who can get admitted to the school and stay eligible.
  • Coaches at selective schools only recruit top students.

Educational Opportunity Beats Sports

  • Pick the school not the coach. Coaches leave.
  • Players get benched, get injured, or study for grad school and drop their sport.
  • D-III athletes spend less time playing their sport in college than they did in high school.

Coaches’ Actions Beat Words

  • Coaches hate to say no even if they don’t want you.
  • A coach is serious if he:
    • Gets an early read from the admissions office on your likelihood of getting in.
    • Invites you on an official overnight visit to meet the team.
    • Tells you are number one on his list and that you will play.
  • He is really serious if he pays your plane fare to visit.

There Are Few Full Scholarship Winners

  • Men’s Winners: baseball, basketball, football, and ice hockey.
  • Women’s Winners: basketball, gymnastics, ice hockey, rowing, tennis, and volleyball.
  • Most other athletes are on partial scholarships.
  • D-III schools and the Ivy’s do not offer sports scholarships.



Thinking About College

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Member: National Association for College Admissions Counseling, Higher Educational Consultants Association

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